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Social Security Benefit Calculator

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Do you wonder how much you might receive in Social Security? Use this calculator to help you estimate your Social Security benefits. Remember, this is only an estimate. Your actual benefits may vary depending on your actual work history and income.

Social Security Benefit Calculator Definitions

Current age
Your current age.
Age at retirement
Age at which you plan to retire.
Annual income
Your total annual income. If you are married, this should not include your spouse's income. When we calculate your Social Security benefit, if you check the married box, the total is increased to include an additional 50% of your benefit for your spouse. If your spouse will be collecting their own benefit, do not check the "married" box. You will need to run the calculator separately for their income.
Expected salary increase
Annual percent increase you expect in your annual income.
Expected rate of inflation
This is what you expect for the average long-term inflation rate. A common measure of inflation in the U.S. is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). From 1925 through 2024 the CPI has a long-term average of 3.0% annually. Over the last 40 years the highest CPI recorded was 13.5% in 1980. For the 12 months ending October 31st 2024 the CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) was 3.2% as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Include spousal benefit?
Check this box if you are married and wish to include a spousal benefit in the calculation. Married couples with only one spouse who works have a higher maximum Social Security benefit than single wage earners.
Social Security income